Inauguration of Training on Design & Product Development at Chennai

          Jute has traveled a long journey from “sack” to “sophistication”.  Of late, a tremendous spreading of jute diversification activities has taken place in India and Bangladesh.  In order to help the  Jute Entrepreneurs for the sustainability, and considering the success of a training programme for jute Entrepreneurs/ Exporters/ Artisans/ Designers on Design and Product Development of Jute Diversified Product (JDP) especially the jute bags, organized by International Jute Study Group at DHAKA during October 24, 2011 to November 2, 2011.   A similar  such  training  programme,   being  jointly  organized  by  “National  Jute  Board” (NJB)  &  “International  Jute Study Group” (IJSG) &  “National  Centre for Design & Product Development” (NCDPD),  during the period  16th to 23rd Dec’2011. at   Hotel  Dee Cee  Manor,  T. Nagar, Chennai 
Mrs. Beela Rajesh, IAS, E.D., HEPC,  inaugurating the 7-Day Jute Bag  Design and Product Development Training programme  of  IJSG & NJB & NCDPD  at  Chennai  on   16th Dec'2011,  by lighting the Kuthuvizhakku, in a traditional manner 
A   Senior  Jute  Entrepreneur  lighting  the  Lamp at  inaugural Ceremony
The  Training at Chennai with the  specialized Practical & Visual training techniques is  expected  to  provide  innovative design and product development harmonizing the demands of international consumers so as to promote exports of diversified items.    The reputed trainers,  Ms. Amla Shrivastava, Product Designer and Crafts Facilitator and Mr.Rudy Rivera,  Designer  were  the faculty members of the National Centre for Design and Product Development (NCDPD), India, an eminent organisation for Design & Product development under the Handicrafts Development Commissioner (Handicrafts), Ministry of Textiles, Government of India,  will be conducting  the whole training  programme, at Chennai.
Chief Guest  making  inaugural  address  at  the  event
 Mrs. Beela  Rajesh,  IAS,  Executive Director,  Handloom  Export  Promotion  Council (HEPC)  inaugurated the  Training  programme, by  lighting  the traditional “Kuthu Vizhakku”  at  Chennai  on  16th Dec’2011  at  10.00 a.m.,   at  Hotel  Dee  Cee Manor,  Chennai. Nearly  31  Jute  entrepreneur,  representing  Export, design and manufacturing firms/ units,  from Chennai,  Madurai, Coimbatore & Bangalore,  were  participating  in the Design and Product Development training.   Mrs. Beela Rajesh, IAS,  in her  inaugural speech,  spelt out the  necessity  of the  Training,  for  the  Jute  entrepreneurs,   and  also  pointed out  that, this  Training  programme,   will  sharpen  their  skills and  make  them  to be  prepared  for  International  challenges   and  to focus towards  “Green Marketing”.

Chief Guest,  in her  inaugural  address, appraised  the  developmental  schemes of  NJB  and  also invited the  participants to make use of  HEPC’s promotional events,  including the  “India  International Handwoven Fair” to be held at  Chennai, in  march’2011,  through  NJB.  .  
Shri. T. Ayyappan,  Market Promotion Officer, Southern region, in his  Address,  welcomed the  gathering  and  also highlighted   the background  of  this  Training  programme,  pointing  out  that,  this  programme  is  second  of  its  kind,  after  DHAKA   training  programme.   Further he  also  pointed  out  that Jute export  has increased  from Rs.859 Crores  in 2009-10  to  Rs.1,854 Crores, in 2010-11,  and  indicated  the  Trainees  to  make use of such  scope in the  Jute  Exports,  and  to  come out  with various  Designer products, with Positive  approach,   and  to project their Jute products,  in tune with “Go Green”   concept,  prevailing in US &  European markets.    The  Jute Crafts  Design Contest to be  held at Tirupur on 28th Dec’2011,  was also indicated  to the  Jute participants. 
  In this training programme  of  International  Jute  Study Group (IJSG),  nearly 30  participants from  Chennai,  Madurai, Coimbatore, Bangalore & Trichur  are participating and taking  advantage of the programme.   Shri. Suresh Babuji, Dy Director,  MSME&DI, Chennai,  in his  address, highlighted the  importance  of  various  schemes  of  MSME&DI   and  also  co-related  the benefits of  various  Joint  programmes  of  SISI &  JMDC, in  encouraging  the  Jute  entrepreneurs,  both  in the  Entrepreneurial  angel  &  marketing  angle.   Mrs. Janaki Ananth,  President,  South India  Jute  Association,  provided the  Vote of  Thanks

Photos and Activities on DAY - 1

The  Training  Session  was  taken up  by Ms.Amla Srivatsav  and Mr. Rudy Rivera  of  NCDPD  and  various  visual and practical  sessions  were made  to the participants

Trainer Ms.Amla Srivastava  during  the   Training session,  presenting about  new  Design Trends
Mr.Rudy Rivera,  the Trainer making Visual presentation  to the Trainees
Participants at  the  Training  Session

Photos and Activities on DAY - 2

DAY  - 2

Second  Day of the  session  had  both  Theoretical  and   practical   sessions  on  Mood  Board Creations,  Design patterns  and  merchandising

Mood -Board  making  being  videographed during the Training programme

Green  Group  making their  Mood-Board

GROUPS  with  their  respective  Mood-Boards :

Mood-Board  being  explained  by  the  Jute  Trainees

Photos and Activities of DAY - 3

Day  :    3

Training  Session on  3rd Day also had both Theoretical & Practical sessions, but  various other  subjects  were taught to the participants, in a interesting manner.    On the third Day, Methodologies, Textures and  Designs  were elaborately explained  and participants were made to do "Hands on" training, on the above subjects. 

Panoramic view of the  IJSG - NJB - NCDPD  Jute Training at  Chennai

Some video clip of the NJB & IJSG & NCDPD  Jute Bag  Design  Training at  Chennai  during  16th  to  23rd Dec'2011

Jute  Trainees  undergoing  Practical   Design Training  at  Chennai

A Group of Jute Trainees Creating their Jute bag Design

A video clip of the NJB & IJSG & NCDPD  Jute Bag  Design  Training at  Chennai  during  16th  to  23rd Dec'2011

Groups  seriously  preparing  their  Jute  Assignment in the Training
Making their Design on their OWN,  by the Techniques taught from the Jute Training 

Photos and Activities of DAY - 4

Day  :    4

Fourth Day of the Jute Training  was the  continuation of Mood-Board finishing  and making of a finished product, in tune with the selected Mood-Board.  31  Jute participants in different  groups,  prepared their Jute products, following the procedures taught during the training  and made Jute bags, suitable for various season/ occasion, on the 4th day.  

Mr. Rudy Rivera,  Senior Designer (Native of Philippines) of NCDPD,  Delhi  making a synopsis on the Mood-Board  presentation Programme.

The participants  also made their presentations  with their  respective  Mood Boards  and their  Photos & Video Clips  are  given below:

Jute Training Participants   with their  Mood-Boards
Ms. Amla  Srivastava,  Trainer from NCDPD supervising the Trainees 
A  Panoramic  View of the IJSG Chennai  Training on  the  4th Day

Video Clips of  Jute Training Participants making their presentation  about  their  respective Mood-Boards


Photos and Activities of DAY - 5

Day  :    5

On  the Fifth Day of the Jute Training,  participants had  visual  presentation  on Design Trend and bag Trend and also  Design Challenge, presented  jointly  by Ms. Amla Shrivastava & Mr. Rudy Rivera.  Participants  also  made design challenges with  paper bags and expressed  their level of inputs  from this  training  programme  on  the 5th  Day of  the  Training  Programme.  The  inputs of  the Trainers  being both, Visual & Practical,  participants felt the programme  is expected to change their Total  product range  and  is expected to make, in tune with the Market Taste / Trend

Design  Challenge with  Paper  bags  of  the  Participants
A  Panoramic  view  of the  5th day  Training  session of IJSG-NJB-NCDPD Training Programme
Ms. Amla Shrivastava summing up  the  5th day  Training  programme

Design  Challange  Collections

Photos and Activities of DAY - 6

Day  :    6

On  the Sixth Day of the Jute Training  programme,  Visual  presentation  was  made  on “Product Standards & Classification  and  about  Visual Merchandising”.  The  product  standards & Classifications,  being  adopted  in  US  & European markets,  for  various  household Utility articles,  were briefed  and  presented to the participants   presented  jointly  by Ms. Amla Shrivastava & Mr. Rudy Rivera.  Participants  were  also explained about the  impact of  Visual merchandising in promoting the sales of products. They  also  briefed how, the  combination of products, environments, and spaces tends to provide stimulating and engaging display to encourage the sale of a product or service. Practical  sessions  on  Visual  Merchandising   was  also taught to the participants,  by  the  supervision  of the  Master  Trainers.

Translator  translating  the Lectures, in the  participant's local  language

Vischandising  Practical  session by  Each  Groups :

Photos and Activities of DAY - 7

Day  :    7

Mr.P.D. Mathur,  Senior Official of  NCDPD made  presentation  about  Export Mix & Marketing Mix on  the Seventh Day of the Jute Training  programme.  Various marketing inputs  and  Marketing  challenges & Concepts  were taught  through  Visual  presentation  and  presented to the participants.
Importance  of Branding   for  Jute  Diversified Products (JDPs)  was  also  made  through  visual presentation,  citing various  examples  from  the  market  and also by  comparing  with other Household  products,  by  Shri. P.D. Mathur.

Valedictory Function

   Valedictory  Function of

Training on Design & Product Development of Fabric based Jute Bags,  at  Chennai ( 16 – 23 Dec 2011)

            Considering the success of Bangladesh Training programme,  a similar  such International training  programme,  was  jointly  organized  at Chennai  by  “National  Jute  Board” (NJB)  &  “International  Jute Study Group” (IJSG) &  “National  Centre for Design & Product Development” (NCDPD),  during the period  16th to 23rd Dec’2011. at   Hotel  Dee Cee  Manor,  T. Nagar, Chennai 

Mr. Srikanth, Associate member of IJSG, made the Welcome address and also  did the Compeering, for the entire event.  

Mrs. Beela  Rajesh,  IAS,  Executive Director,  Handloom  Export  Promotion  Council (HEPC)  presided the Valedictory Function on 23rd Dec’2011  and  distributed the Training  Certificates  to all the  participants,  in the presence of   Dr.Latifa Binte Lutfar, Operations  Officer & Fin. & Admn Officer (in Charge), IJSG, Bangladesh & Mr. T. Ayyappan, NJB, Chennai  & Mr.V. Bhoopal, Associate  member of IJSG  & other  dignitaries.   Nearly  31  Jute  entrepreneurs,  representing  Export, design and manufacturing firms/ units,  from Chennai,  Madurai, Coimbatore & Bangalore,   participated  in the 7-Day “Design and Product Development training, specially  for Jute bags”.   Mrs. Beela Rajesh, IAS,  in her  speech,  appreciated the  efforts  of  NJB, in providing  such productive international level training  for  the  south-based Jute  entrepreneurs,   and  also  appreciated  the  trainees  for attending   sincerely the  Training  programme.    Dr.Latifa Binte Lutfar,  in her   Special address, also appreciated the Trainees  and advised the Trainees, to practice the inputs, in their business & production of Jute Products, and to showcase  their  skills  and  to take-up  International  challenges   and  to focus towards  “Green Marketing”.
Chief Guest,  in her  valedictory  address, invited the  participants to make use of  HEPC’s promotional events,  including the  “India  International Hand-woven Fair” to be held at  Chennai, in  March’2012, with Jute Designs.  
Shri. T. Ayyappan,  Market Promotion Officer, Southern region, in his  vote  of  thanks,  thanked  the  participants  & International Jute Study Group (IJSG)  & National Centre for Design  & Product Development (NCDPD)  and  summarized the Feedback  received  from the participants,  about this  Training  programme, and  indicated  the  Trainees  to  make use of such  scope in the  Jute  Exports,  and  to  come out  with various  Designer products, with Positive  approach.  Participants also expressed their opinion, that this  Special Advanced Training  has given a special dimension in their method of production and assured that, they will come out, with Designer Jute bags, to suit the Trend & Market,  successfully.

The  Doordarshan ( PODHIGAI ) TV  News  Coverage – Video Clip  of the  Jute Training  Programme

Certificates being issued to the Jute Training Participants - A Video Clip